I love when Travel Therapy comes to me and brings me even more inspiration to travel around the world.

Mandara Spa, born in Indoneisa, with beautiful spas in luxurious resorts and hotels around the world, is celebrating it’s 20 anniversary by collaborating with renowned Balinese healer, Guru Made Sumantra on a not-for-profit tour to share Balinese healing to the world as part of The Healer Project.

Where usually people travel thousands of miles to see Guru Sumantra, I was honored to meet him in New York City and have a one-on-one healing session.

I’ll admit I went into the meeting a little nervous, not knowing what to expect. I’ve been to Bali, but never visited with a healer before so when Guru Sumantra asked what he could do for me, I had to think about it a moment.

I told him I feel blessed, I’m happy and healthy and so is my family so I wasn’t sure what to ask for. He smiled back at me kindly. Something in his eyes encouraged me to dig deeper.

So I found myself sharing how much I love my work and how I always enjoy working so hard to achieve the next goal but that sometimes I don’t take the time to celebrate what I’ve accomplished before diving into the next project and I’d like to work on that.

He nodded and smiled, almost as if he was proud of me for my answer. I instantly felt accepted and at ease.

The only way to describe the next hour is transformative. Each experience is different and customized to what you personally need. I love that he even gave me “homework”, things I could work on at home to continue my progress.

I always say Travel Therapy is all about taking the trips you need to take based on what you’re going through in life and using travel to live your healthiest, happiest life.

On this journey I feel truly thankful that Guru Sumantra and Mandara Spa brought the Travel Therapy to me, motivating me even more to return to Bali for another trip soon, as there is so much more I still want to learn and discover.