Just finished a great live radio travel segment on solo travel with Martha Stewart Living’s Kim and Besty who host the show Morning Live on Sirius 112 XM 157. Here are some of the solo travel tips we talked about.

 One of the first things I’m asked by people wanting to do a solo trip is where they should go.

 Of course the whole theme of TRAVEL THERAPY is picking a trip that’s right for you based on what you’re going through in life. So if you’re looking to chill out and relax then a spa solo vacation may be just what you need. Or if you’re craving some adventure then a solo vacation where you’re doing something active like hiking or biking could be your ticket.

Right now the solo travel industry is seeing a boost in people signing up single for trips and one of the reasons is because there are now more than ever some great deals for people looking to travel alone. The key to traveling alone is to do as much research ahead of time so you know exactly what you’re getting into and can reduce any stress you might have.

You also want to mentally prepare for the trip, knowing you’ll be on the plane alone, or driving alone, eating alone. Instead of being freaked out by this, know that this is a great opportunity to get outside your comfort zone and grow as a person.

Traveling alone is one of the most inspiring and empowering things you can do. It’s exhilarating to know you can travel anywhere in the world by yourself doing exactly what you want to do. Some of my favorite trips I’ve taken alone have been to Malawi, Africa, Switzerland, Portugal, Paris, Caribbean, Newfoundland and the list goes on!

One of the things we talked a lot about on Morning Living this morning was how to travel on your own and still be safe.

Here are some easy tips you should follow for safe solo travel:

  • Let someone at home know your itinerary
  • Carry emergency contact info on you
  • Know your health insurance info in case you need it
  • Don’t wear flashy jewelry or attract attention
  • Research accommodations beforehand
  • Plan your transportation to and from hotels
  • Don’t share too much with strangers you meet
  • Go with your gut, if it doesn’t feel right, don’t do it

Another top question I always get asked is what are some of the top solo trips you can take. Depending on your mood and comfort level here are a few of the ideas we talked about on Morning Living to give you some ideas to help get you started.

Volunteer Vacations:

Empower yourself and give back at the same time where you join a group and volunteer part-time and vacation part time. Affordable and an ideal way to meet new people. For trips around the world try AFC, Ambassadors For Children.  I took their trip solo to Malawi and loved it.

Link: www.ambassadorsforchildren.org

Learning Vacations:

Learn to cook at CuisinArt Resort on the island of Anguilla in the Caribbean. Hang 10 and try surfing in Hawaii at the Halekulani Resort and go gutsy and learn to sail thru the sky by kite boarding in New Brunswick.





Dude Ranch Vacations:

Here’s a popular choice for a solo travelers, especially women because who doesn’t love a hot cowboy! To help you pick the right dude ranch a great resource to check out is the Dude Ranch Organization because the folks there list more than 100 different approved ranches on their website.

Link: www.duderanch.org

Cruising Solo Vacations:

If you’re looking to go on a cruise make sure they’re solo friendly as many cruises will charge you extra if you’re traveling alone. Two great companies to try that cater to solo travelers are Holland America and Crystal Cruises.




Spa Solo Vacations:

For a first-class spa escape where you can save money at the same time you can find some great deals right now in the spa Mecca of Scottsdale, Arizona. Top resorts are offering amazing spa specials and the desert is a perfect spot for a solo vacation to relax and rejuvenate.




These top solo vacation ideas should help you get started but when it comes right down to it the best solo trip to take is the one you’ve always wanted to do but keep saying “someday” or “it’s on my bucket list.”

What are you waiting for? You can do it and you deserve! Go, enjoy! Be inspired and know that the first step is always the hardest to take but is also the most empowering!

For more unique solo vacation ideas you can get a copy of my new travel book TRAVEL THERAPY: Where Do You Need to Go? for more a special price, more than 50 percent off by using the amazon.com link on this website.

Have you had your TRAVEL THERAPY today?