Exciting news! The Travel Therapy book has just sold in Taiwan!

It’s my first international sale! Here’s how it happened…

My international literary agent, Jennifer Weltz, says number of publishers bid on the book and Marco Polo Press, a division of Cite Publishing won the book!

I’m so excited and honored to be able to share TRAVEL THERAPY with the people of Taiwan! The concept is truly global and hopefully will help empower and inspire people around the world.

This means Marco Polo Press will have the rights to publish the TRAVEL THERAPY book in Taiwan translating into the Chinese language in complex characters ( Mainland China writes in simplified characters). Confusing right? That’s why I have the agent!

Jennifer Weltz is with the Jean V. Naggar Literary Agency based in New York City and works with my primary agent Jessica Regel. Jessica focuses on what happens with the TRAVEL THERAPY book in the U.S., Jennifer internationally.

Since TRAVEL THERAPY: Where Do You Need to Go? has just come out, selling to Taiwan already is a huge kudos!

Here are some of the other countries already expressing interest in buying the foreign rights to TRAVEL THERAPY include:

  • U.K
  • Israel
  • Norway
  • Netherlands
  • Greece
  • Hungary
  • Spain
  • Germany

Stay tuned for more news about the TRAVEL THERAPY book and be sure to follow the journey on this website and on Twitter and Facebook!

Twitter: www.twitter/traveltherapy

Facebook: TravelTherapy

For a link to buy the TRAVEL THERAPY book at a special discount, 30% off a  FREE shipping at amazon.com just click HERE.