It’s very exciting with the TRAVEL THERAPY book just coming out that we’re already booking national TV! It makes sense because in this economy you can’t afford to take the wrong trip and TRAVEL THERAPY is all about helping you pick the trip that’s right for you based on what you’re going through in life. So coming up this Saturday on FOX’s AMERICA’S NEWSROOM, a national broadcast that runs 12:00 to 2:00pm eastern, I’ll be doing a great travel segment talking about the TRAVEL THERAPY concept and showing how to pick destinations that fit what you need and want and can afford.

Then on Sunday I’ll be heading over to FOX & Friends for a very hip and fun travel segment where we’re putting the TRAVEL THERAPY quiz to the test. Are you stressed out? Lost your job? Going through a breakup? Looking for a way to reinvent yourself? You’ll want to tune in between 7am and 10am Sunday 29.   

Both shows are on Twitter so if you’re watching this weekend and have questions for me, send them in! I’m also on twitter at: and there’s a TRAVEL THERAPY page on facebook you can join. I would love to hear from you!

While TRAVEL THERAPY: Where Do You Need to Go? is just coming out in book stores this week and you can still pick it up at the special discount price of $6 off and free shipping by just clicking on the link on this website. Every dollar you save counts because you can put it toward your next trip!

Of course I’m bias but TRAVEL THERAPY it’s truly a beautiful book. The publisher and printer did a fantastic job creating the glossy cover and glossy pages where the photography jumps out and grabs you. I’m hearing from a lot of people who aren’t able to travel at the moment but say they have their TRAVEL THERAPY book on their coffee table and it gives them inspiration just looking at it. The ultimate compliment! 



I took the photograph used  in today’s post at The Baths  off Virgin Gorda, one of top snorkeling spots in the Caribbean. The photo is one of dozens featured in the TRAVEL THERAPY BOOK. One of the folks at FOX’s AMERICA NEWSROOM liked the photo so much  I’m making her a copy and taking it in next week when I do the travel segement. It’s always an honor when someone enjoys my photography.    



Stay tuned tomorrow for TRAVEL TUESDAYS because this week we have some amazing deals you won’t want to miss!